
2022~2023 Clubs and Sports


桌球,即桌上網球(英語:table tennis)簡稱,在中國大陸、香港、澳門稱作乒乓球(英語:ping-pong,在前述地區中桌球一詞指撞球,粵語口語作乒乓波),又簡稱乒球[1],是一種由兩名或四名運動員用小球拍(即桌球拍)在桌子上來回擊打一個輕便的球,或是用桌球拍拍打桌球的球類運動,在世界上許多地方流行。雙方球員手持球拍、隔著架有球網的球桌互相對打。可作為單打或雙打,兩方互相擊球直至一方無法回球,另一方便能得分。桌球與羽球、網球同為球拍運動的一種。
Age Group Venue Dates Days Time Fee
G2-5 AST Table Tennis Area 10/24 ~ 12/05 Mondays 3:45 ~ 5pm NA

Dates and Important Information

Whether students are curious about these diverse disciplines for their future career or as a personal interest that will enrich their lives, these hands-on topics help our students to become more well-rounded as they discover their passions.
Whether students are curious about these diverse disciplines for their future career or as a personal interest that will enrich their lives, these hands-on topics help our students to become more well-rounded as they discover their passions.
Whether students are curious about these diverse disciplines for their future career or as a personal interest that will enrich their lives, these hands-on topics help our students to become more well-rounded as they discover their passions.
Whether students are curious about these diverse disciplines for their future career or as a personal interest that will enrich their lives, these hands-on topics help our students to become more well-rounded as they discover their passions.
Whether students are curious about these diverse disciplines for their future career or as a personal interest that will enrich their lives, these hands-on topics help our students to become more well-rounded as they discover their passions.