April 29,2024

Faculty Spotlight~ Mr. Dombkowski

Written by Grace Hung & Nero Ho ('29)

Mr. Ethan Dombkowski is a Social Studies teacher, as well as the Assistant Principal of Secondary at AST. He worked at AST for about 7 years and saw many changes in the AST community and as well how the local and regional community sees AST. Many of his students may know that he used to work in a ballistic submarine in the US Navy before he started his teaching career. He started teaching after Lorenzo was born. One of the reasons why Mr.D started teaching was he loved history since it is a subject that incorporates all the subjects and could be very flexible. Many may question what some jobs are as an assistant principal. As for working as an assistant principal, he wants to create community spirit and have the students be proud and comfortable at AST. This brings us to some tips Mr.D wants to give to the next assistant principal. He wants to make sure that the new administrator continues to be the community and support the students, for example, by attending away games, art shows, or even VEX competitions. He wishes that the next assistant principal will be engaging and involved in all the community activities. We wish you the best of luck in moving to Albania!

Mr. Ethan Dombkowski 是社會科老師,同時也是 AST 中學部的副校長。 他在 AST 工作了大約 7 年,看到了 AST 的許多變化以及國際學校社群眼中的 AST。 他的學生應該都知道,在開始教學生涯之前,Mr. D曾在美國海軍的潛艇工作過。 Lorenzo出生後,他開始教書,原因之一是他熱愛歷史,因為歷史科包含了其他學科的智慧,而且在教學上可以很靈活。 許多人可能會好奇副校長的工作是什麼,其實就是協助校長的工作,他也希望營造出社區精神,讓學生在 AST 感到自豪且舒適。 Mr. D 希望給下一任副校長一些建議 : 能融入AST社群並支持學生,例如出席比賽、藝術展,以及VEX 比賽等,積極參與所有社群活動。 我們祝福您的家庭移居阿爾巴尼亞一切順利!
