September 12,2023

PYPA 2023

This summer, I went to Philadelphia for the PYPA (Philadelphia Young Pianist Academy) festival. We have master classes everyday with pianists like Professor Micheal Lewin & Professor Alon Goltein. We also have everyday concerts and meditation classes. The building opened at 9 AM every day. Lights were not even on,  I could already hear the sound of the piano. Two students shared one practice room and we changed our practice room every day to be fair. The festival's location was a vocal academy so the pianos sounded slightly humid. 

In everyday concerts, world-class piano soloists would play in a concert and everyone must go. I had jet lag for the first few days so I did not listen to the whole concert. Furthermore, students also played in multiple concerts. In master classes, I learned a lot of things, especially techniques and fixing the quality of my sound. For everyday meditation classes, we sat silently and trained our focus. Also, we had a Piano Formun class in which every student played a repertoire of around 8 minutes and the Professor gave advice on our performance. Overall, this was a great experience and I will definitely go again when I get older.                            

                                                                                       Written by Andrew Huang ('29)


        今年夏天,我去費城參加 PYPA(費城青年鋼琴家學院)音樂節。主辦人是胡瀞云老師,我們每天都有大師班的課程(聘請了鄧泰山等大師)、音樂會和冥想課程。兩個學生共用一個琴房,因為每間琴房鋼琴都不一樣,所以為了公平,我們每天都會換琴房。


        上大師班時,我學到了很多,尤其是技術和音色的質感。我們也有Piano Formum Class,在這堂課上,每個人會彈8分鐘左右的曲目,並會有大師給我們一些表演上的意見。在日常冥想課程中,我們會安靜地坐著並訓練我們的注意力。


                                                                                                    黃博暐 Andrew Huang ('29)