AST Carnival 2025
We had an amazing time at our annual Carnival on Satu...more
By Grace Hung ('29) , Eason Wang ('29)
Leadership conversations or workshops often make leaders reflect on their own practices and practices and beliefs. So, we asked Dr. Brown to share what he thinks is a strength and weakness of his in education. Dr. Brown shared that a weakness is that he still has so much to learn about different ideas in education. Plus, because education is constantly changing, he needs to be constantly learning. That said, Dr. Brown believes some of the things he has learned over the years, including his personal experiences, can be considered a strength. For example, a couple of his professional achievements have been traveling around the world leading presentations on different aspects in education, and also evaluating different international schools around the world and providing guidance and advice to help them improve. At the Association for the Advancement of International Education (AAIE) Conference that he just came back from, Dr. Brown was one of 5 panelists who shared their experiences and knowledge with other international Heads and Directors. Overall, Dr. Brown’s conversations at the AAIE Conference, with other international heads and global educational leaders, helped him learn new ideas about the most current and best education practices.
Dr. Brown was very fortunate to have had dinner with two famous educators, Dr. Thomas Guskey and Mr. Myron Dueck. Both are experts in educational theory, standard based grading and reporting, and assessment. They had meaningful conversations and shared professional experiences with each other. This was one of the highlights of his educational trip.
After the conference, Dr. Brown’s new learnings and experiences made him feel reconnected, recharged and refocused.
領袖會議或研討會通常會讓領導者反思他們的做法和信念。因此,我們請校長分享他認為自己在教育方面的強、弱項。校長說,他對不同的教育理念還有很多東西要學習,由於教育在不斷變化,他需要不斷吸收新知。同時,校長認為他多年來學到的,包括他的個人經歷,可視為強項。例如,他在世界各地就教育的不同方面發表演講,並評估世界各地的不同國際學校,並提供指導和建議,以幫助他們改進。在他參加二月份參與的 (AAIE) 會議上,校長與其他五位領袖帶領其中一個討論會並發表見解,也幫助他了解進階的教育實踐新想法。
校長有幸與兩位著名教育家Dr. Thomas Guskey和Mr. Myron Dueck共進晚餐。兩人都是教育理論、標準基礎評量方面的專家。他們進行了有意義的對話並彼此分享了專業經驗,這是他此趟教育之旅的亮點之一。
會議結束後,校長得到的新知識和經歷讓他備感充實,持續建立人際網絡外,並更為專注。 洪苡汝('29) 王子胤('29) 撰稿