Open House 招生說明會
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Written by Nero Ho ('29) & Sophia Yu ('29)
On February 13 2025, the Write for Delight team was honored to interview basketball players who had significant achievements in their respective teams. These players are Adrian Chan ('29), Yuwen Chang ('29), Jamie Turner ('29), Michael Shyr ('30), Eason Hsin ('30), and Aveena Chan ('30). Many of these players are current middle schoolers competing against more experienced high school players. For example, Jamie is currently in 8th grade and plays for the varsity team at AST, and Aveena, Yuwen, Michael, and Eason all play for the junior varsity team here at AST.
What hardships did they have to endure?
They faced various hardships. The girls benefited from stronger teamwork and a more solid foundation, while the boys, due to less bonding time, were comparatively disadvantaged. The girls observed that many players on the opposing team were more experienced and possessed advantages in speed.
What motivates them to play basketball?
For Yuwen and Aveena, motivation comes from Coach Tambi. He motivates and encourages them to play better, offering many suggestions for improvement. Jamie is usually motivated when playing against bigger, more experienced players; this competition provides a surge of motivation. Adrian, Michael, and Eason are motivated by their father and their favorite basketball stars.
Q:After the last game, what improvements would they like to make?
They all mentioned a need for better teamwork, fewer missed free throws and shots, improved defense, and fewer turnovers.
Q:Teamwork plays a major role in basketball success. What is one important lesson they have learned about teamwork?
They emphasized the importance of not being too selfless. While on the court, players need to consider their individual impact. However, because basketball is a team sport, good team spirit and trust in one's teammates are also essential.
Q:What piece of advice from a coach or mentor has had a lasting impact on them?
Some of the advice they received included: "Don't be nervous; be confident," "Take open shots," "Don't doubt yourself," "Keep an open mind," and "Be more aggressive." This advice has had a significant impact on the players.
Q:What has been the most challenging game they've played to date, and why?
For Yuwen and Aveena, the most challenging game this season was against IIS (I-shou International School), whose team comprised both junior varsity and more seasoned varsity players. Jamie's toughest game was against MAC (Morrison Academy), as the opposing players were taller and more experienced than his varsity teammates. Adrian, Michael, and Eason also found their game against MAC the most difficult, as they fell behind by many points, began to doubt themselves, and faced a more experienced team.
Q:What strength do they believe sets their team apart from other teams?
What sets AST's basketball team apart is the strong bond between players, many of whom are friends off the court as well. The players are highly skilled and excel in their specific roles. AST also employs a unique defensive strategy that many schools have yet to figure out.
We appreciate Aveena, Yuwen, Adrian, Jamie, Michael, and Eason for taking their time during their lunch break to participate in this interview. As AST's basketball program continues to excel, we're excited to see the next generation of Eagles on the court. We wish them all the best!
在2月13日,Write for Delight團隊很榮幸能採訪在籃球隊中表現出色的球員,
Q:是什麼促使你們來打籃球?Yuwen and Aveena的動機來自教練 Tambi ,教練 Tambi鼓勵她們打得更好,並提出許多關鍵性的建議。
Q:從教練或導師那裡得到什麼建議,至今仍影響至深? 建議是不要緊張,要有信心再投籃,不要懷疑自己,
Q:到目前為止打過印象深刻的比賽是什麼?為什麼?Yuwen 認為本賽季遇到的最難纏的對手是 IIS(義守國際學校),因為她們是經驗豐富的Varsity 球隊。對於 Jamie 來說,他最艱難的一場比賽是與 MAC(馬禮遜美國學校 )的球隊對陣,因為對方的球員更高,經驗也更豐富。
Q:AST的籃球隊與其他球隊相比,有哪些不同或優勢? AST 籃球隊的與眾不同之處在於,所有球員之間都團結一致,
我們感謝 Aveena、Yuwen、Adrian、Jamie、
何柏翰、余亮妍 ('29) 撰稿