Four teams are heading to the 2025 VEX World Championship!
Congratulations to our VEX teams and Ms. Tina Ngo on ...more
The Red Cross Club and Taichung Service Club participated in the 2024 RUN TOMO on Nov. 2. RUNTOMO brings together communities to support individuals with dementia. The term 'RUN TOMO' emphasizes the power of companionship as friends and family members run alongside those living with this condition. This event beautifully underscores the importance of being there for loved ones facing dementia.
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紅十字會社團與臺中服務社團於11月2日參加了2024年RUN TOMO活動。RUN TOMO是一個凝聚社區力量,支持失智症患者的活動。「RUN TOMO」強調陪伴的力量,朋友和家人陪伴失智症患者一起走路,這個活動突顯了陪伴對面對失智症的親人的重要性。