Basketball~Next Generation Eagles!!
Written by Nero Ho ('29) & Sophia Yu ('29) On ...more
By Nero Ho, Mandy Liao & Eason Wang ('29)
Mr. Blake is our fifth-grade teacher. He’s really cool! Before coming to Taiwan, he lived in lots of places like China, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States. It was easy for him to get used to life here because he already lived in China. He thinks Taiwan and China are kind of similar, so it helped him feel at home. Mr. Blake wanted to be a teacher since he was a teenager! He realized that he liked helping people learn. Even though he wanted to be a basketball player like other kids, he decided to be a teacher instead. When Mr. Blake isn’t teaching, he likes to play video games and basketball. He really loves working at our school and thinks the mountains around here are amazing!
Mr. Blake is a seasoned teacher with a unique approach to education. He thrives on challenges, viewing each school year as a complex puzzle to solve. His teaching style incorporates a mix of group discussions, technology integration, and independent work. Mr. Blake is often surprised by his students' ability to exceed expectations.
Outside of school, Mr. Blake’s world revolves around his cat, Mando. They share a deep bond. In a frightening incident, Mando's health was critically endangered, prompting Mr. Blake to incur significant expenses for his pet's care. Thankfully, Mando recovered fully. Mr. Blake's dedication to both his students and his beloved ones is evident in his life. His passion for teaching and his compassionate nature make him a truly remarkable individual.
Mr. Derrick Blake是五年級的老師,他真的很棒!來台灣之前,他住過中國、阿聯酋、美國等很多地方。他很適應台灣的生活,因為他之前在中國生活過。他認為台灣和中國有點相似,所以這讓他有回家的感覺。Mr. Blake從十幾歲就想成為一名老師,因為他意識到他喜歡幫助人們學習。儘管他想像其他孩子一樣成為籃球運動員,但他後來決定成為一名老師。他真的很喜歡在我們學校工作,並且認為這裡周圍的山太棒了!工作之餘,他喜歡玩電子遊戲和籃球。
Mr. Blake是一位經驗豐富的老師,有獨特的教育方法。他在挑戰中茁壯成長,將每年遇到的困難當作複雜的難題般一一解決。他的教學風格有小組討論、 科技融入教學和獨立工作。Mr. Blake經常對學生超出他預期的能力感到驚訝。
在工作之外,Mr. Blake的世界裡最重要的就是他的貓--Mando,他們有深厚的感情。在一次意外中,Mando的健康受到嚴重威脅,Mr. Blake為了照顧Mando而付出了相當大的費用。值得慶幸的是,Mando完全康復了。Mr. Blake對他的學生和他所愛之人的奉獻在生活中是顯而易見的,他對教學的熱情和富有同情心的天性,使他成為一個相當傑出的人!
何柏翰、廖苡媗、王子胤('29) 撰稿