Four teams are heading to the 2025 VEX World Championship!
Congratulations to our VEX teams and Ms. Tina Ngo on ...more
On Thursday March 2nd High School students participated in their first Day of Service. Students had the opportunity to choose between two different volunteer experiences for the day. Approximately 50 students went to the Ren Shin Wellness Park where they learned about the center, toured the facility and had the chance to play games and make lunch with the elderly community.
Students who did not travel to Ren Shin had the opportunity to work at the local food bank and animal shelter to assist the facilities in much needed chores and social interactions with the resident animals at the shelter.
AST is committed to inspiring life long learners who make a positive impact on our world. Our Day of Service is one of many opportunities to come for students to practice our core values of compassion and contribution.
3 月 2 日星期四,高中學生體驗了第一次由學校安排的社區服務日 (Day of Service)。當日學生分成兩組, 可自由選擇想服務的機構。大約 50 名學生前往 仁馨樂活園區Ren Shin Wellness Park,在那裡他們了解了園區理念與服務,並跟阿公阿嬤們開心玩起數字賓果遊戲,最後還一起動手做pizza!
另一組同學去安得烈食物銀行與 臺中大坑-莊媽媽友善狗園,在機構人員指導下完成任務,並與收容所的狗狗們有段歡樂時光!
AST 致力於引導學生成為終身學習者並對世界發揮正面影響力。我們的社區服務日是學生實踐同情心和貢獻這兩個核心價值的好機會。