Four teams are heading to the 2025 VEX World Championship!
Congratulations to our VEX teams and Ms. Tina Ngo on ...more
On Saturday, February 24th, AST was bustling with activities as over 160 educators serving in Taiwan international schools gathered at AST to participate in the inaugural CATES Educators' Conference!
CATES, short for the Council of Administrators of Taiwan Expatriate Schools, comprises most of the international schools operating in Taiwan. Under the leadership of its current president, Dr. Colin Brown, who also serves as the Head of School at our school, CATES organized its inaugural conference for educators on the island.
This conference featured over 30 workshops and a keynote address by Mr. Myron Dueck titled "Ask Them: Why Listening to our Students Matters." Additionally, WASC, the accreditation agency, conducted a session during the event. With the participation of over 160 educators, this conference has proven to be an invaluable platform for education, fostering networking opportunities, and facilitating the exchange of ideas among educators in Taiwan.
We are very proud that AST has been heavily involved in supporting this meaningful event, and we congratulate Dr. Brown and all CATES members for their outstanding initiative. It was indeed a resounding success!
2月24日星期六,AST校園充滿了活力,因為來自台灣各國際學校, 共超過160多名教育工作者, 齊聚在AST參加首屆CATES教育者大會!
CATES代表台灣外僑學校行政主管委員會,此組織包含了台灣大部分的國際學校。在現任主席、同時也是本校校長 Dr. Colin Brown 的領導下,CATES舉辦了本次教育大會, 是台灣首次嘗試!
此次大會提供30多個工作坊, 邀請Mr. Myron Dueck專題演講,主題是“問他們:為什麼傾聽我們的學生很重要”。此外,認證機構WASC也在本次大會開設了一個工作坊。事實證明, 本次大會非常成功, 超過160名在外僑學校服務的教育工作者參加, 除了提供在職進修的管道, 也做為一個寶貴的平台,增加本島教育工作者之間的聯繫和促進交流。
我們非常自豪AST積極參與這一項有意義的活動,除了幕後規劃並提供場地給大會使用 。誠摯祝賀Dr. Brown和所有CATES成員, 這是一項成功的創舉!