February 16,2024


Fifteen students and two teachers journeyed to the Netherlands for The Hague Model United Nations (THIMUN) this January. Every year, AST hosts TAIMUN (Taiwan MUN) and attends four conferences on the island. Being able to travel again after the pandemic was a special treat.

Students enjoyed four days of discussing global issues with over 2,100 students from all around the world. They participated in large UN-style committees, working in blocs with delegates from countries with shared solution ideas to their own (we played Cote d’Ivoire) to hammer out policy resolutions. They then debated and developed those resolutions further. It was challenging to get a chance to speak in committees with over 130 students, but our team was enthusiastic and determined to contribute and speak up.

Along the way, we had some enriching and enjoyable experiences. A highlight was meeting the staff of Taiwan’s office at the Hague, where students gained insights into government services and cultural exchanges. Ambassador Chen gave the students a special welcome, adding to their sense of pride as young people growing up in Taiwan.

Students also explored Dutch culture by visiting museums featuring works by renowned artists and navigated Amsterdam's canals. Throughout the trip, our students showcased a positive attitude, self-discipline, courage, friendliness, and decorum, creating a rich tapestry of diverse experiences.

-THIMUN 荷蘭海牙之旅-

一月份的時候15位高中學生和兩位帶隊老師前往荷蘭參加THIMUN 海牙模擬聯合國會議。每年AST 都會舉辦台灣模擬聯合國會議 (TAIMUN), 也常規參與他校舉辦的會議 , 所以學生對於會議的進行方式毫不陌生。

海牙模擬聯合國會議是一場超大型的會議,聚集了約2,100學生代表, 分四天進行。我們被分派到的國家是象牙海岸,要代表這個國家用聯合國會議進行的方式 ,為此國家發聲並爭取其最佳利益 。每個討論小組約有130位學生代表, 要在這麼多人的面前發言真的有些挑戰, 但我們的學生還是克服了緊張,暢所欲言!

同學們也利用這難得的機會, 參訪了許多地方,包含拜訪駐荷蘭台北代表處,特別感謝駐荷蘭代表-陳代表會見我們, 與我們分享駐外單位的行政業務, 並用溫暖的話語勉勵了學生。

學生們還參觀了不同的博物館, 欣賞著名藝術作品以及體驗了阿姆斯特丹運河遊船,探索荷蘭獨特的文化。整個旅程非常充實卻也讓人疲憊,當地氣溫也非常的低,儘管如此,學生們還是展現了積極的態度、自律、勇氣、友好和得體的舉止,這是一次豐富多彩的多元體驗!

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