February 07,2024

Lunar New Year Celebration

The Lunar New Year celebration was a great success! In the morning, students from the entire school participated in the Chinese New Year Market in different time slots. There were a total of ten different booths, run by students from the high school Chinese class, and a special booth featuring dough figurine sculpting. Students had the opportunity to experience various Chinese New Year traditions.

The CNY performances began at 11 a.m., including dances, instrumental performances, singing, New Year's greetings, and explanations of the New Year activities. The school also invited a professional team specializing in diabolo performances, which left the audience in awe. The applause from the elementary students continued non-stop from beginning to end. Finally, we had the God of Wealth (U.S. edition😄) come to AST, distributing candies to everyone. Special thanks to the Chinese teacher team for organizing this event, and to Ms. Yao Wei and her high school students for planning the CNY Market. 🏮Wishing everyone a happy New Year! 🏮



今天的春節慶祝活動非常成功! 早上全校學生分批去參加"新年市集", 共有十個不同主題的攤位, 由高中中文課的學生籌備與當攤主, 還有一個特別邀請的捏麵人攤位, 藉由跑攤, 同學可以嘗試各種不同的中國新年傳統。

中午11點表演節目開始, 有舞蹈、樂器演奏與歌唱、新年祝賀詞朗誦與新年習俗講解。今年學校特別邀請了"從鈴開始扯鈴專業團隊", 他們的表演令人嘆為觀止, 小學生的讚嘆聲從頭到尾沒有停過! 最後, 我們還有"美版財神爺"出來祝賀大家, 發送糖果📍 特別感謝中文教師團隊合力舉辦此活動, 也謝謝規劃新年市集的 Ms. Yao Wei 和她的中文課高中生。🏮祝福大家新年快樂🏮