September 28,2023

Faculty Spotlight~ Ms. Rubecca Hou

✍️Written By: Grace Hung, Irene Liao & Sophia Yu ('29)

Write For Delight ✍️is back with a new faculty spotlight article! This time we interviewed Ms. Rubecca, the through school counselor at AST in her second year.

Counselors play a big role in schools and Ms. Rubecca hopes to be students’ go-to person when they are feeling depressed, lonely, or just in need of someone to talk to. Unlike the certain expectations or roles students may need to play in the classroom, students are allowed to be themselves when entering Ms. Rubecca’s room. She provides a safe space for students to express and discover their inner selves, helping them gain more confidence and self-awareness without worrying about any judgment or external pressure. Since it is an opportunity to have private time with your counselor, Ms. Rubecca has to keep the information you open up to her confidential.

Ms. Rubecca loves working with students and believes in the potential of every individual. She considers herself and aims to be a patient, easy-going, and open-minded counselor. To better understand the complexities of her profession, she even underwent personal therapy herself so she could support her students and clients better. Finally, here’s a fun fact about Ms. Rubecca: If she weren't a school counselor, she would aspire to be an actress!

Write For Delight 又有一篇新的訪問出爐了! 這次我們採訪的是Ms. Rubecca,她是輔導老師。

輔導老師在學校扮演重要角色,Ms. Rubecca希望當學生們感到沮喪、孤獨或是需要有人交談時,能成爲他們傾訴的對象。 學生在課堂上需要符合不同老師的要求,但在進入Ms. Rubecca的教室時,可以放鬆做自己。 她會提供一個安全的空間讓學生表達並發現他們的內在,幫助學生獲得更多的自信和自我意識。不需擔心其他事,因爲這是一個學生和輔導老師的私人時間,Ms. Rubecca也會對所有的談話內容保密。

Ms. Rubecca喜歡與學生一起工作,並相信每個人的潛力。她致力於成為一名有耐心、隨和、思想開放的輔導老師。為了更了解此職業的複雜性,她甚至接受了個人治療,以便能更支持她的學生和客戶。她最後也分享,如果不是學校輔導老師,她會希望成為演員!

✍️ 洪苡汝、廖子嫻、余亮妍 ('29) 撰稿