Basketball~Next Generation Eagles!!
Written by Nero Ho ('29) & Sophia Yu ('29) On ...more
Congratulations to our VEX teams and Ms. Tina Ngo on an incredibly successful tournament season! We have 4 teams qualifying to compete at the 2025 World Championships. These teams dedicated a tremendous amount of time and passion and we know they will shine on the world stage in May.
恭喜我們的VEX 校隊及Tina Ngo老師在這個賽季取得了驕人的成績!我們共有四支隊伍榮獲今年春季VEX世界錦標賽的參賽資格。這些隊伍投入了大量的時間和熱情,我們相信他們 將在五月的世界舞台上閃耀光芒!